'ScanTemp 330' инфрачервен термометър арт./31.1134.06
С инфрачервения термометър 'ScanTemp 330' можете да измервате температурата на повърхността бързо и лесно без да докосвате обекта на измерване.
Инфраред термометър "Slim Flah"- Арт.№31.1128
- Contact-free measuring of surface temperature
- Measuring time of only 1 second
- Small, easy to use
- Compliant with HACCP, ideal for food
- A versatile tool for the household, craft and hobby
Инфраред термометър "Mini-Flash"- Арт.№31.1108
Инфраред термометър "Mini-Flash"
Отговаря на изискванията по
Infrared Thermometer BEAM / Kat.№31.1132
- Contact-free measuring of surface temperature
- Measuring time of only 1 second
- Measuring field marking with laser
- Compliant with HACCP, ideal for food
- A versatile tool for the household, craft and hobb
'DualTemp Pro' infrared-probe thermometer / Kat.№31.1119К
- Choice of two temperature measuring methods
- Contact-free via infrared or with penetration probe
- Ideal for professional use in the food industry
- HACCP LED informs when limits are exceeded
- Compliant with HACCP + EN 13485, with factory certificate
'ScanTemp 485' infrared thermometer / Kat. Nr. 31.1124
'ScanTemp 485' infrared thermometer 
'ScanTemp 490' infrared thermometer / Kat. Nr. 31.1123.K
'ScanTemp 490' infrared thermometer
Calibrated with 3 measuring points (0°C/+100°C/+450°C)
Out of stock
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